One great way to give back to your local lake is to help to keep it clean. For less than $5 you can help clean up your local lake and Lake Fun is going to show you how. There is plenty to do on the lake during warmer weather, but this is an essential event that will make sure your water sports are not practiced beside floating rubbish and bottles.
Initially, you need to choose a location that you would like to clean. Some great ideas for easily accessible places are boat ramps, parking areas, camping spots, or public recreation areas. Choose one that is close to you so that you can spend a majority of your time cleaning and not driving. Make sure the area is safe and that you will not be injured trying to reach it. One rule of lake garbage is that if the area is easy to access it will accumulate the most garbage. Lazy lake litter bugs will find that area first. Help clean up this area by choosing the place where you can make the most impact.
Next you will need some money, not much. Go to the local dollar store and buy a pack of garbage bags. If there are 20 in a box, set a goal of how many you will fill up. If 3 full bags is your goal, then keep the extra 17 in your kitchen as an added bonus. The cost of your garbage bags in the only money you will spend to make this lake philanthropy happen. If you send us some lake cleanup pictures on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Google plus of your clean up I might even decide to reimburse you through Paypal for your garbage bag purchase. Lake Fun cares about you and your local lake.
Finally, set a time for the clean up. It really does not matter what day, or time time of day, that you choose. Just set a time and be there on your local lake to help pick up the garbage. I like to clean up when a large amount of people are using the area. Not because I like attention, but because it reminds them to pick up their garbage when they leave. Fill your bags and take them to the nearest dumpster or recycling center. Take a few photos of your bags and share them with us. If you want to make the clean up extra special, plan it with a group of friends then have a cookout when you are done cleaning. In this case you would need a cooler and a grill, but it would certainly make your cleanup one to remember.
These are some simple ways to make the lake more enjoyable for your and others. One way is to make sure the lake stays clean throughout the season. Picking up is helpful, and you can feel free to donate a trash can or some trash bags to any public area that always seems to accumulate garbage. If you see someone leaving rubbish repeatedly do not be afraid to call a wildlife officer or game warden with their tag or boat number. Keeping the lakes clean is everyone’s responsibility and we hope you will represent Lake Fun well while you are on the lake this summer.
Share your cleanup pics with us or give us other ideas for creative lake cleanups on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or Google +
#LakeCleanup #LakeGarbage #LakeLitter #LakeClean #Lake #Lakes