It has been several years since you got that new wakeboard. Your Dad slowly pulls you behind the pontoon boat in a straight line for hours on end. You rarely carve any wake, and when you do you slowly cross over outside, and then back in. You close your eyes to take a nap. When you wake up you find you are still wakeboarding.
Has your wakeboarding routine become mundane and unexciting? Pro wakeboarder Charles Whyte set out to change this with his “Learn to Wakeboard Series.” Charles starts out with the very basics of wakeboarding. This gives some needed refreshers on etiquette, hand signals and wakeboard gear. If you are just learning how to wakeboard this is the perfect guide for you.
If your goal is to have everyone on the boat collectively saying, “WOW!” the “Learn to Wakeboard Series” is also a great book for you. When Charles Whyte put together this work he spent many years compiling data, pictures, and written words to describe in detail how to do some of the most difficult tricks in wakeboarding today. Then he compiled them all in an easy to use format. My family’s favorite way to use the the “Learn to Wakeboard Series” is to bring a copy of the book on the boat with use when we go to wakeboard.
When making the “Learn to Wakeboard Series,” Charles Whyte thought of everything. It was not enough for him to write the greatest how to wakeboard book ever written. He also included a full “trick checklist” at the end of the book. What this allowed me to do was go through and check off the tricks I had attempted and perfected. It also had a place for the date so I could easily track my progress and push myself to improve my wakeboarding skills every time I was on the wakeboarding.
If you want to learn how to wakeboard or maybe you have been wanting to learn some new tricks, the “Learn to Wakeboard Series” is the best wakeboarding book ever written. The amazing pictures, in depth descriptions, and immaculate detail make this guide unlike anything available on the market today. The cool trick list in the back allows you to learn and improve your wakeboarding at your own pace. For around $10 there is not a better way to up your wakeboarding game for summer 2016 then the “Learn to Wakeboard Series”.
Do you have some interesting ways to learn to wakeboard? Share them with us on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Tumblr, or Pinterest.
#wakeboard #wakeboarding #usedwakeboard #wakeboardtower #wakeboardspeakers #howtowakeboard #wakeboardtricks #CharlesWhyte #LakeFun