5 Best Trucks To Use For Pulling Your Boat to The Lake
Welcome to the Lake Fun Blog. Today as we look at everything is related to trucks used to pull your boat to the local boat ramp we also want to acknowledge the scarcity these days of both trucks and boats. Inventories are depleted and lead times are 6+ months longs on the things that you actually want. Not too mention that prices are through the roof due to inflation and other material input costs. I do think the one area that does not get enough credit for causing the truck shortage does not actually pertain to boats. The big idea that no one ever talks about except for me is how the Cash for Clunkers program of 2009. During this period more than 665,000 used cars were destroyed that were in some sort of working order. This greatly depletes the used car inventories today and is the largest contributor to quality used cars today. You can read more about the program.
So back to the best trucks to pull your boat to the lake. We are not going to focus on any particular year of truck simply the model. The truck I use to pull my pontoon boat to the lake is 2000 model Chevrolet Silverado, which was also eligible for the Cash for Clunkers but thank God I decided to keep it. It has been a great work and Lake Fun truck for many seasons of pulling the boat back and forth to the boat ramp.
Top 5 Trucks for Pulling Your Boat to the Lake
1. Chevrolet Silverado
2. Ford F-150
3. Dodge Ram
4. Nissan Titan
5. Toyota Tundra
Many people ask about electric trucks like the Tesla Cypbertruck and Rivian Electric Trucks. The truth is I have never driven one so it would be hard for me to review without actually using one. If anyone of the Lake Fun Blog readers is with Tesla or Rivian please feel free to give me an electric truck to test this summer with my pontoon boat. Just email me at
Anyways I think this is a good list of trucks to start with when you start to look for a truck to pull your boat to the lake. Just be prepared to pay an arm and a leg and without those it might be more difficult to water ski. So maybe plan on tubing instead. Thanks again for reading the Lake Fun Blog and we appreciate each and every one of you.