Today on the Lake Fun blog we are going to discuss the best non alcoholic drinks that you can have in your cooler for a great sober day on the lake. Most people would turn up their news to the thought of bringing a non alcohol beer on the lake, but please hear me out. I will first start with some of the positives of having your cooler with at least a few non alcohol beer or drinks.
Top reasons to bring them along
- If someone gets too crunk you can put a NA beer in a red solo cup and get them to chill out a bit. You do not even have to tell them it is NA because each of the NA beers on my list of 14 Best Non Alcohol Beers and Drinks for a Sober Day on the Lake is great tasting.
- The selections I chose are for the most part healthy. Most of the beers on my list average about 100 calories. Many of them also have low carbs as well. Let’s say 5 carbohydrates or less. Plus they have no alcohol. So if you are trying to keep your lake bod tight then the drinks below will be great for your plans.
How to use the lake for exercise
3. Zero hangovers, zero BUI. If you have ever missed Sunday morning on the lake because you had too great of a time on Saturday, then you should try some of the options below. They all have zero chance of a hangover or getting taken to jail for operating a boat under the influence.
Reasons not to bring them
- Cost. The cost of most of the NA beers on the list is comparable to a local craft beer in a can or a bottle. However the cost of a BUI or killing your family in a drunken boat accident would definately be much higher than the $2-3 maximum per drink cost of each of the options.
- Coolness. It may not be cool to bring them along, but who really cares. Most of these drinks on the list have an awesome can or bottle design. If you are so shallow to care what people think about you are drinking, then you can always put them in a coozie to disguise the true identity of your non alcohol beer.
I will rank the drinks from my favorite to least favorite. I like lower carb and lower calorie lake drink options so I put an emphasis on the lowest carb and calorie options first although I will not necessarily focus on the the nutrition in the description.
This is a great tasting lighter colored beer that could go against any full alcohol blond. Super low calorie and super low carb make it my number one choice for Non Alcohol beers on the lake.
If you want to have a cool looking can instead of a plastic water bottle to drink your mountain spring water from, then Liquid Death is your choice. Put this in a tallboy coozie and it looks just like a Miller Lite with the golden top of the can and the white sides. This should be in almost every lake cooler.
This is the best tasting Non Alcoholic beer on the list but the higher carb count 10+ bumped it back to 3rd. It tastes to me like a mix of Blue Moon and Purple Haze craft beers. It is a great option to have a NA beer that does not taste like a standard beer profile.
Athletic Beer Company is a leader in NA beer space and this is one of my favorites from them. Hard to beat the taste. Carbs could be a little lower, but still a great option.
This was the non alcohol beer I started with when beginning this taste test. Low carb, low calorie and it gave me hope that the newest flavors and brands of NA beer were finally progressing to where they were a viable option for people’s lake coolers.
One of my favorite beers with alcohol is the Yee Haw Brewery Pale Ale. This is semi close to it. It is also ultra low carb and calorie so there is zero guilt with this option and taste is banging.
Even when your beer has no alcohol in it your taste buds can get worn out with the constant bombardment of beer flavors, tastes, and carbonation. Cleanse your tongue with some Perrier Lime. It is not a beer, but could pass for a gin and tonic, almost. Very delicious option.
Another great option from Athletic. They need to drop the carbs on it but the calories are on point. This is a great tasting non alcohol beer options if you are wondering what to choose.
This is a great no alcohol option for your lake fun cooler. You can pour it on ice and it looks like the finest of tropical mixed drinks. Zero Sugar and great for replenishing lost electrolytes from flinking.
This tastes like the king of beers. I am fond of Anheiser products and always have been. My one knock is that the calories are way to high, just like the king of beers. However if you are looking for steak in a can at the lake, in a van, this is the beer for you.
This is the only Asian beer option on the list and it is very well done. 0 carbs and 0 calories. It does have a more rye taste than American beers. However if you have ever had an alcoholic beer at a Japanese restaurant this has the exact same flavor profile. A great option for super hot lake days.
Below is my list of honorable mention Non Alcohol Lake beers
Sam Adams Just the Haze |
Penn’s Best |
Partake Red |
Busch NA Partake Lime Whirl Brewdog Faux Fox Daypack Lemon Lime |
Thanks for reading the Lake Fun Blog. We hope this list of NA beers helps you have more and safer lake fun. Feel free to share it with a friend.