Old Hickory Lake Literature
Old Hickory Lake is a mainstream storage impoundment on the Cumberland River, operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It’s located in north-central Tennessee, with the dam situated near Hendersonville and the lake extending upstream to Cordell Hull Lock and Dam near Carthage.
Here are some key facts about Old Hickory Lake:
- Size: 22,500 acres (91 square kilometers) at full pool elevation
- Length: 97.3 miles (156.6 kilometers)
- Depth: Up to 120 feet (37 meters)
- Activities: Boating, fishing (known for its bass, crappie, and catfish), swimming, camping, and picnicking
The lake was created in 1954 with the completion of the Old Hickory Dam. It serves several purposes, including:
- Flood control: The lake helps to regulate the flow of the Cumberland River, reducing the risk of flooding downstream.
- Hydroelectric power generation: The dam generates hydroelectric power.
- Navigation: The lake is part of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, which provides a navigable route for commercial and recreational traffic between the Tennessee River and the Mobile River.
- Recreation: The lake is a popular destination for boating, fishing, swimming, camping, and picnicking.
Old Hickory Lake is a valuable resource for the region, providing flood control, hydroelectric power, navigation, and recreation.
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